jathilan reog

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Jatilan is one type of folk dance which, when traced historical background including the oldest dances in Java. Dance is always equipped with a horse property braids are typically performed to its climax, the unconscious self on one of the dancers. Jatilan dancer formerly amounted to only 2 people but can now be done by more people in the formation of the pairs. Jatilan dances depict battles on horseback and wielding a sword. In addition to riding dancer, there is also a dancer who is not riding but wearing a mask. Among these are penthul, bejer, cepet, devils and barongan.

Reog and Jatilan this function only as spectacle / entertainment, is somewhat different from the ancient times reog functions in addition to the spectacle that also serves as a bodyguard who enliven motorcade bride or child circumcised, and for the sake of releasing vow or midhang outlets. Difference between Jatilan and Reog include first, the game Jatilan dancers can sometimes rnencapai trance, while the Reog dancers can not experience it. Second, the use Jatilan place during gameplay / fixed arenas. At Reog besides the game does not use the arena or a fixed place, also often held to accompany a trip or ceremony. About when and where the birth of two types of people do not know this art. The players Jatilan and Reog only inherited the art from their ancestors. People generally stated that Jatilan and Reog has existed since time immemorial. Supporters of this game is not necessarily the amount depends on the extent of members. Nevertheless the supporters usually about 35 people and consists of men with the details: 20 dancers; drummers instrument 10; 4 security guards / general helper for if there are players who experience trance, and one person as the coordinator of the show (the handler) . The dancers use the property sword made of bamboo and lumping horseback. Among the dancers there who wears a black mask and white, named Bancak (Penthul) for the white, and Doyok (Bejer / chubby) for the black. Both of these figures serve as a comedian, dancers and singers to entertain horsemen who were resting after the war. When dancing the performers dressed in costume and face makeup realistic. There are also group costumes especially on non-realistic headgear, for this group using Irah-irahan puppet. In the realistic costumes, a headgear or iket blangkon (udeng) and the players dark glasses, generally black. During that time there was also a dress / shirt vest, pants banner, fabric, and stagen with timangnya. Peak Jatilan dance is sometimes followed by a state of trance reached (was unconscious but still dancing) there are the players. Before the show started Jatilan usually pre-spectacle in the form of drumming and occasionally a slapstick / lawakan.Kini ditemui.Pertunjukan they've rarely this can be done at night, but generally held during hari.Pertunjukan will take place during the day when the show takes 2 hours per babaknya, and the show consists of 3 rounds. For the group to 1 round takes 3 hours a day then he will only play this game 2 babak.Pada generally lasts from 09.00 to 17.00 hours, including breaks. If the show takes place at night, the show will start at 20.00 and end at 01.00 am using petromak lights. Venue-shaped arena with a floor of a circle and straight. Vocal only spoken by a blotter and Bejer in the form of dialogue and song, while the instrument is used angklung 3 pieces, 3 pieces bendhe, kepyak setangkep and a music kendang.Peralatan is placed adjacent to the arena show. Jatilan New Style. Today there is progress in the arts Jatilan tan with the advent of the New Style Jatilan Jiapan village, Paste and Sleman. The instruments used are drums, bendhe, gongs, gender and saron. So this is not the type to wear Jatilan angklung Jatilan lagi.Yang draw on this is that if the player is in a state of trance he could speak Indonesian and that allowed him to appoint people who had disrupted the show, if these disturbances do occur. Are often in a state of trance the player requested a song and when the song was sung by the music player or by pins and Bejer, the trance dancer erjoged to the rhythm of the song. Dalarn trance the dancer's eyes are not always closed, there is also a dancer whose eyes open as in normal circumstances. Lumping horse here not only 6 but 10 pieces. Two white horses leading pair, while the 8 pieces black. Two couples horse that is in the back row is a small horse or foal (belo - Java). This filly is formed such that it gives the impression of childish. Small horse head looking straight ahead, while the other horse heads bowed. Difference in attitude that lumping horse head not just models or variations, but it is used to indicate or suggest that the role of the horse different from other horses and people riding style dance foal somewhat different, which should be more agile and flexible in moving / stylish, and gives the impression of childish kanakan.Di addition there are many uniqueness that adds to the excitement of the show's Jatilan New Style 

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